Venice, a paradise to Row | Venetiansoul
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Venice, a paradise to Row

Venice, a paradise to Row

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In this picture @Venetiansoul reached the island of San Giorgio in Alga by row.

San Giorgio in Alga is located between the Giudecca island and the mainland, rather solitary and extended for just one and a half hectares. Its history 'begins' in the 11th century, when the Benedictine monastery and the church dedicated to the martyr who gives it its name were founded. Subsequently, it took the name of 'in Alga' due to the numerous algae that grew in the lagoon all around. A couple of centuries later the Augustinian friars took over, and between the late 1300s and early 1400s the order of the regular Canons of San Giorgio in Alga settled here, a congregation that made an important contribution to the reform of ecclesiastical life.


It is in this period of time that a narrative that has become legendary also insinuates itself: according to popular rumors, shortly before disbanding the Order of the Templars had arrived in Venice with a load of treasures, in particular with the loot stolen from the temple of San Giorgio d 'Acre. They would have buried him on the island of San Giorgio in Alga, but no one has ever found him.

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