Ca' Pesaro
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Ca' Pesaro

The permanent collections of the International Gallery of Modern Art, always renewed and enriched with new critical ideas and unusual perspectives, are in constant relationship with the temporary exhibitions hosted in the rooms on the second floor of Ca 'Pesaro. Among the masterpieces on display are the famous Il thinkatore by Auguste Rodin and Giuditta II (Salomé) by Gustav Klimt together with the works of artists such as Medardo Rosso, Giacomo Balla, Adolfo Wildt, Arturo Martini, Gino Rossi, Giorgio Morandi and Felice Casorati. After the important arrival of the Chiara and Francesco Carraro Collection in 2017, and the consequent expansion of the historical-critical perspectives offered by the dialogue with the new masterpieces arrived in the museum, in February 2019 the collection was enriched by the deposit of an exceptional nucleus of thirty-two works by some of the most important Italian authors of the twentieth century: masterpieces by Massimo Campigli, Carlo Carrà, Giacomo Manzù, Ottone Rosai, Scipione and Mario Sironi from well-known and important collections of Italian art.

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